If you believe there has been an error on your paycheck, you should let your manager know ASAP. In order to figure out if there is an issue, and if so, get it resolved as quickly as possible, you can check for the following:

Regular or OT hours worked:

  • Check your timesheet in Dayforce.  Did you clock in and out every day?  Do the hours match what you were scheduled to work?
  • Check your pay stub in Dayforce. Do the hours shown on your pay stub match the hours on your timesheet?
  • Did you work a day/time you are normally not scheduled?  Is that reflected on your timesheet?


PTO/STO/Other Paid leave:

  • Did you call out during the pay period? Did you enter a request for STO before the end of the pay period?
  • Did you take PTO or STO during the pay period? Was the request approved by your manager?
  • Did you request Bereavement Leave/Jury Duty/Volunteer Leave, etc. before the end of the pay period?


  • Did you recently enroll in or change your benefits (medical/commuter/401k)?
  • Did you recently change your tax withholdings?
  • Have any garnishment orders been added to your check?