Enrollments for Medical/Dental/Vision insurance, Life, AD&D and LTD, FSA and Dependent Care and HSA are completed through Dayforce. Enrollments are only available on hire, change in status (Part Time to Full Time), during the open enrollment period and when you have a qualifying life event. Except for your HSA contributions, the choices you make at enrollment will be in place throughout the plan year, unless you have a qualifying life event. HSA contributions can be updated throughout the year, provided you don't go over the annual maximum set by the IRS.
Please follow these 11 steps to complete your enrollment:
1. Log into Dayforce
Note: If you need help logging into Dayforce, reach out to your manager. Once you log, in please set up your security questions to receive automated password resets in the future by using these instructions.
2. From the home screen, use the menu in the upper left corner and choose Benefits
3. Under the Overview tab, go to Enrollments and New Hire Enrollment. Select Start Enrollment.
4. Once you have accessed the New Hire Enrollment, please read the terms and conditions and select Next to begin
5. Add your dependent(s) or beneficiaries. You must enter a beneficiary(ies) but you do not have to add a dependent(s). Enter in all pertinent information including Social Security numbers.
6. Choose your medical plan. Not sure which one to choose? You can do a comparison of multiple plans by selecting Compare Selected in the right-hand corner. If you do not wish to join a medical plan, please select Waive Medical.
7. Choose your dental option. Available dental options will be based on the medical plan you choose. If you do not wish to join the dental plan, you can select Waive Dental.
8. Choose your vision option. Available vision options will be based on the medical plan you choose. If you do not wish to join the vision plan, you can select Waive Vision.
9. You will be automatically enrolled in the Basic Life and AD&D Insurance options and your coverage amounts will be displayed. You must include a beneficiary(ies). Select Show Details to enter your beneficiary information. Specify the type (primary or contingent) and allocate percentage(s). Amounts must total 100%.

10. Continue through the enrollment to choose additional options (long term disability, FSA, HSA, etc). Optional Life and Optional AD&D sections are available if you are interested in purchasing extra insurance in addition to what you are already receiving from Motivate. Select Next once you are done choosing all selections.
11. This next page will confirm all of your elections. Please review the summary to ensure they are what you want. You can always select Back if you need to make a change. Elections will take effect as of the first of the month from your date of hire. If everything looks good, you can select Submit Enrollment. The enrollment will be routed to HR for final approval and you are done!
If you have enrolled in the High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP), you must complete the HSA Employee Contribution module to open your Health Savings Account (HSA) and begin receiving employer contributions to your HSA.