Recognizing that employees have varying reasons for taking time off, Motivate’s Paid Time Off (PTO) policy allows eligible employees the flexibility to schedule time off, with prior approval, when needed.  

The PTO policy applies to regular full time exempt and non-exempt employees; regular part time exempt and non-exempt employees who are regularly scheduled to work 16 or more hours each week.

PTO begins accruing on the first day of employment, but accrued PTO cannot be used until after the ninety (90) day probationary period has been successfully completed. PTO must be taken in full- or half-day increments, except as otherwise required by law.

Employees accrue PTO as set forth in the accrual rates below, up to the Maximum Annual Accrual.

PTO Allotments are as follows:

Employees accrue PTO as set forth in the accrual rates below, up to the Maximum Annual Accrual. Exempt Employees:

Years of Service as of January 1st

Accrual Rate/Hour Worked

Maximum Annual Accrual

Less than 6 Years


160 hours

More than 6 Years


200 hours

Vice Presidents and above will accrue 200 hours, regardless of length of service.


Non-Exempt Employees hired on or before 12/31/2014:


Years of Service as of January 1st

Accrual Rate/Hour Worked

Maximum Annual Accrual

4 through 10 Years


150 hours

More than 6 Years


180 hours



Non-Exempt Employees hired after 12/31/2014:


Years of Service as of January 1st

Accrual Rate/Hour Worked

Maximum Annual Accrual

Less than 2 Years


75 hours

2 through 5 Years


97.5 hours

6 through 10 Years


135 hours

More than 10 Years


172.5 hours


Employees accrue PTO on hours worked, PTO hours taken and STO hours taken. Employees on a Leave of Absence, Paid Parental Leave or Layoff will not accrue PTO.

*Part time employees will accrue PTO based off of hours worked and it can be used in half or whole day increments based off of their scheduled hours.

PTO is paid out to those employees who provide proper notice before separation.  If terminated for just cause or without proper notice, PTO balance is forfeited.


Sick Time Off (STO)

  • In accordance with local laws, you accrue STO up to the maximum amount of hours in each state as follows:

    • California: 72 hours

    • Illinois: 40 hours

    • Massachusetts: 40 hours

    • Minnesota: 56 hours

    • New York:  56 hours

    • New Jersey: 40 hours

    • Ohio: 40 hours

    • Oregon: 40 hours

    • Washington, D.C.: 56 hours

Unless otherwise required by law, STO may be used for an absence due to: 

  • an employee’s mental or physical illness, injury or health condition, or need for medical diagnosis, care or treatment of a mental or physical illness, injury or health condition or need for preventative medical care; 
  •  an employee’s care of a “family member” who needs medical diagnosis, care or treatment of a mental or physical illness, injury or health condition, or who needs preventative medical care; or  
  • closure of the office for a public health emergency; or 
  • to provide primary care for a child whose school or childcare provider is closed because of a public health emergency.  


For purposes of this STO policy, a “family member” is defined as an employee’s child (biological, adopted or foster child; legal ward; child of an employee standing in loco parentis), grandchild, spouse, domestic partner, parent, grandparent, sibling (including half, adopted or step sibling) or child or parent of an employee’s spouse or domestic partner, unless otherwise required by law. 


If you are unable to work due to your own illness or injury for more than seven (7) consecutive days, you may be entitled to other benefits, as described in the “Benefits” section of the Employee Handbook. Generally, STO is not available if you are receiving disability or workers’ compensation payments. 


For an absence of three (3) or more consecutive days, Motivate reserves the right to require a note from your healthcare provider (or, if applicable, your “family member’s” licensed health care provider). 

Unused STO may be carried over from year to year; however you're not allowed to utilize more than eighty (80) hours of STO in any calendar year (including any carryover STO) with the exception of the certain circumstance or where otherwise required by law.

STO is not paid out upon separation.


Short Term Disability

Only available to employees in New York, New Jersey, and California

  • All employees in those states are able to apply for benefits should the need arise, regardless of time served at Motivate

  • Should you exhaust your Short Term Disability leave, you are able to take protected unpaid time off, where there are no career repercussions to your taking the time to take care of yourself