If you receive a notification email from the payroll team that a garnishment or lien will be deducted from your paycheck you will also be provided instructions on the organization or entity, such as a State or County office, to contact for more information as well as a pdf of the garnishment/lien order. 

A garnishment is a court-ordered payroll deduction with which Motivate is required to comply. 


If you received a notification email from the Motivate payroll team that a garnishment is being processed and applied to your paycheck you will be provided information for the entity, such as a State or County office, who you may contact with any questions. In these situations, all questions need to be directed to the entity that issued the garnishment order.  


On your paystub, a garnishment deduction will be listed as a Post-Tax Deduction. These are a few examples of what you can expect it to look like. 




If you need to speak with the payroll team they can be reached by contacting your system People representative.