As Pier 40 reopens and ebike launches and expansions continue, more employees will be completing essential business travel throughout the country. As such, we’ve established the attached travel policy. All travel will be reviewed with the COVID-19 Task Force to ensure employees comply with travel restrictions and related safety policies. 

All employees traveling for work from a “hot spot” (a state with a positive rate higher than 10 per 100,000 residents, or higher than a 10% positivity rate) to locations with travel restrictions must comply with the state and city regulations. Some cities and states have exemptions for short term essential travel; the Task Force will work directly with employees who qualify for these exemptions to ensure compliance with any additional requirements. 

Employees returning home from personal travel in a “hot spot” to a city or state with travel restrictions must comply with self-quarantine requirements in their home location. Employees should contact their manager prior to scheduling any travel to discuss additional, required time away from work.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to