One Floating Holiday is granted to all employees who were in Regular Full Time or Regular Part Time employment status on January 1, and allows them to take one paid day off within the calendar year.

The Floating Holiday is granted on January 1, and the hours granted are based on an employee’s status and average daily hours on January 1. Your Floating Holiday must be taken in the year that it is granted and will not be paid out if not taken during the eligible period.

The process and guidelines around requesting Floating Holiday match those found in People Help Desk articles on “How do I request PTO/STO?” and “How do I find my PTO/STO balances?”.  Requests to use Floating Holidays should be made at least 14 days in advance.

The Floating Holiday must be used for a full day that an employee has been scheduled for, and cannot be used on the same day in which the employee has worked a shift.

Floating Holidays will not be granted to employees who change to regular employment status mid-year, i.e. Seasonal to Full Time, but will be granted in the subsequent years. Seasonal, On-Call, and Temporary employees are not eligible. 

Understanding how to read your Floating Holiday grant balances differs from other types of time away. To explain, please follow use the screenshot and definitions below 

The balance chart is read as follows: 

Grant - current year allotment 

Accrued - total of past years allotments 

Approved - current year allotment usage approved for use 

Pending - If request for holiday is awaiting approval 

Remaining Grant - The amount you can still request will be listed (its blank in this example because the grant has been used) 

Remaining - total of past years allotments 

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