Individual Contributors, or those who spend more than half their time performing tasks and producing products for their work, are evaluated based on their technical expertise and ability to execute tasks and produce sufficient results. 

  • Resourcefulness

    • Find ways to deal with unforeseen or challenging situations using the resources that you have available in innovative ways.

    • Figure out how to get over, around, or through barriers to success, and then doing it effectively.

  • Deliver Consistent Results

    • Assume personal responsibility for achieving outcomes and work effectively with little direction. 

    • Be dependable and responsible

  • Attention to Detail

    • Be thorough in accomplishing a task by being concerned for all the areas involved, no matter how small. 

    • Monitor and check work or information and plans and organizes time and resources efficiently.

  • Strong Interpersonal Communication

    • Competent at making relationships work, listen effectively, and develop rapport with others. 

    • Able to articulate thoughts and ideas clearly, present information in a straightforward and logical way, and they ensure that they are understood. 

    • Share information with others consistently to ensure overall work progress.

  • Planning & Organizing

    • Establish a systematic course of action for self or others to ensure accomplishment of a specific objective. 

    • Set priorities, goals, and timetables to achieve maximum productivity.  

    • Manages time to meet all project and assignment deadlines.