All courses provided through TalentLMS are mandatory for those who are assigned. Not all teams receive the same courses, and some courses differ from one state to another or based on whether someone is a manager or not. 

  • Preventing Discrimination and Harassament
    This course walks through what constitutes different types of harassment, how to identify harassment in the workplace, how to disrupt or confront harassment, and what the responsibilities of employers are when made aware of these harassing behaviors. 

    Managers have a slightly longer course that also includes their personal responsibilities when presented with an accusation of harassment. 

    Some states require a specific length of time for this training, which may result in differing lengths from what state to another.

  • Workplace Diversity, Sensitivity, and Inclusion

Preventing discrimination is the baseline for a good workplace culture, but every workplace should strive higher than that to be more inclusive. This course explains how individuals can build a workplace culture that goes beyond preventing harassment and instead focuses on how to create a workplace where each individual feels safe and respected, in addition to how to model civility and respect for one another. 

  • Unconscious Bias

Every person’s brain jumps to conclusions about others based on first impressions, appearance, or other factors outside of the other person’s control. This course walks through how you can identify these biases in your own brain and how you can work against them when interacting with others, particularly when adding new individuals to your team. 

  • Microaggressions

What about when someone says something that isn’t harassment but seems to display hints of unconscious bias? What about when they aren’t speaking or acting as inclusively as they could? This course walks through what a microaggression is, examples of microaggressions to avoid, and how to address microaggressions if you encounter them at work

Tips for Completing Courses on TalentLMS 

  • A headset or speakers are required in order to hear the audio portion of the training. 
  • You may start, stop, and resume at any point during the training. When you resume, please click YES to return to where you left off. 
  • The following browsers are supported: Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Firefox and (on a Mac), Safari. 
  • If you are using Google Chrome, you may encounter a pop-up blocker that may prevent you from accessing the training course.