While Motivate strives to maintain service 365 days a year, at certain times it may be necessary to temporarily suspend our operations in order to protect the safety of our staff. Operations could be temporarily suspended due to weather, facility closure, environmental or other safety concerns and could affect one department, one facility, or an entire location.
Who is covered by this Policy
Regular full time non-exempt employees; regular part time non-exempt employees; seasonal non-exempt employees
Suspending Operations
When conditions require it, Management may make the determination to suspend operations for all or part of their location and/or temporarily close one or more Motivate facilities. Suspensions to operations and facility closures occur only when specifically announced by Management, and are not automatically in place when a bike share system is closed to customers. Management will notify the Station Chair in each affected location within half an hour from when the decision to suspend operations is made.
Time & Attendance
In the event Management determines to suspend operations for all or part of their location and/or temporarily close one or more Motivate facilities, Motivate's Time & Attendance Policy will not be enforced on each date affected by the determination.
Notifying Staff
Department managers will be responsible for notifying their staff of canceled shifts. To ensure prompt communication, notification methods should include personal email, company email, text message and/or phone call where possible.
Pay during Suspensions of Motivate Operations
Pay during a suspension of operations will be determined by the timing of the notification
- On-shift notice: Employees will be paid for the remainder of their shift.
- Less than 2 hours notice before shift: Employees will be paid for 4 hours, and may use available PTO to make up unpaid hours.
- More than 2 hours notice before shift: Employees will not be paid for the shift, but may use available PTO to make up unpaid hours.
Make-up Hours
Within 24 hours of the resumption of normal operations, Motivate will notify the union and affected employees via email of any opportunity to make-up canceled hours. If no make-up hours are available, at management's discretion, Motivate will notify the union. Employees affected by the closure will have priority to receive make-up hours; otherwise make-up hours will be offered to employees in job classification seniority order. Overtime may be available, if applicable, to any employee who opts to make up hours under this policy. The availability of make-up shifts will be at the sole discretion of management.