Section 1.

The Employer is responsible for posting all Employee work schedules in the Employer’s electronic scheduling system (i.e., Dayforce). The Employer shall endeavor to provide access to functioning computers and internet at each work facility for Employee use. Employee schedules and timesheets shall also be viewable on time clocks provided by the Employer at each location. It is the Employee’s responsibility to keep track of his/her/their schedule in the Employer’s electronic scheduling system.

Section 2.

Requesting Time Off.

(a) All Employee time-off requests shall be made in the Employer’s electronic scheduling system (i.e., Dayforce), including on time clocks provided by the Employer at each location. All PTO, Comp Time, Floating Holidays and/or other paid leave requests should be made in as far in advance as possible, but no later than fourteen (14) days in advance, and must be approved by a manager.

(b) PTO, Comp Time, Floating Holiday and/or other paid leave requests made on nonholiday workweeks shall be approved or denied by the Employer within 7 days of the request.

(c) PTO, Comp Time, Floating Holiday and/or other paid leave requests made for holiday workweeks shall be approved or denied no less than 10 days prior to the earliest date requested.

(d) Seasonal Employees who have passed their 90-day probationary period may request unpaid time off (“UTO”), up to five (5) days per year. UTO requests should be made as far in advance as possible, but no later than 14 days in advance, and must be approved by a manager. Any UTO requests shall be approved or denied within 7 days of the request.

(e) In cases where multiple Employee time-off requests have been made for the same day(s) and the Employer is unable to accommodate all requests, priority for Employer approval shall be determined by:

  • Date on which an Employee made a time-off request (for non-holiday workweeks);
  • Company Seniority of Employee making the time-off request (for holiday workweeks); and
  • PTO requests will be granted before UTO requests.

Section 3.

Employees may exchange (“swap”) shifts with other Employees, provided that the exchange occurs within the workweek (Sunday-Saturday), with someone who works the same shift length, and is approved by a manager in the Employer’s electronic schedule system (i.e., Dayforce).

Requests to swap shifts must be entered and approved at least twenty-four (24) hours before the first

shift affected. Failure to follow this procedure may result in an absence.

Section 4.

Unscheduled absence notifications must be made at least one (1) hour prior to the start

of your shift, or in the case of an emergency, as soon as is practical. Notification must be made

according to your department/location’s policies.

Section 5.

All Employees are permitted four (4) unpaid personal days (“freebies”), which shall be the first four (4) unscheduled call-outs of the calendar year, regardless of reason, excluding any type of scheduled PTO, Floating Holiday or Comp Day, STO or approved Leave of Absence found in this Agreement or in applicable local/state/federal law. Personal days are exempt from any/all progressive discipline. Employees may use any accrued PTO when taking personal days. Employees should notify the Employer of any unscheduled absence at least one (1) hour prior to his/her/their shift start time.

Section 6.

A “No Call/No Show” is when any Employee does not work a scheduled shift, and has not notified the Employer prior to, or within an hour after, his/her/their shift start time (“called out”).

Progressive discipline for No Call/No Shows shall be as follows to the extent they accumulate within

a one (1)-year rolling period:

  • 1st No Call/No Show: Final Corrective Action.
  • 2nd No Call/No Show: Termination.

A No Call/No Show of three (3) consecutive days shall be considered job abandonment and result in


Section 7.

An “Unexcused Absence” is when any Employee either: (a) does not work a scheduled shift and has called out but does not use approved PTO, STO, UTO, Comp Time, Floating Holiday, personal day, or other leave of absence to excuse the absence; or (b) is Tardy or Early Out (as defined below) in excess of two (2) hours.

Progressive discipline for Unexcused Absences shall be as follows to the extent they accumulate within a one (1)-year rolling period:

  • 1st Unexcused Absence: No Corrective Action issued.
  • 2nd Unexcused Absence: 1st Corrective Action.
  • 3rd Unexcused Absence: 2nd Corrective Action.
  • 4th Unexcused Absence: Final Corrective Action.
  • 5th Unexcused Absence: Termination.

Section 8.

A “Tardy” is when any Employee clocks into the Employer’s electronic scheduling system (i.e., Dayforce) in excess of ten (10) minutes after his/her/their shift start time, or is Early Out (as defined below) in excess of ten (10) minutes. A Tardy in excess of two (2) hours shall be considered an Unexcused Absence.

Progressive discipline for Tardies shall be as follows to the extent they accumulate within a six (6)-month rolling period:

  • 1st Tardy: No Corrective Action issued
  • 2nd Tardy: 1st Corrective Action.
  • 3rd Tardy: 2nd Corrective Action.
  • 4th Tardy: Final Corrective Action.
  • 5th Tardy: Termination.

Remote Employees (i.e., Valets, Field Bike Mechanics, etc.) may additionally be required to verify his/her/their clock-in time using key fob activity. Such key fob activity in excess of ten (10) minutes after a Remote Employee’s shift start time may be considered a Tardy.

Section 9.

An “Early Out” is when any Employee leaves work prior to the end of his/her/their shift end time. An Early Out in excess of ten (10) minutes shall be considered a Tardy. An Early Out in excess of two (2) hours shall be considered an Unexcused Absence. An Employee’s manager may excuse any Early Out for an Employee.

Section 10.

There are situations when conduct exhibits a pattern of behavior that illustrates a disregard for responsible behavior in regard to attendance, tardiness and schedule-adherence expectations. If such a pattern is detected, a manager will hold and document a coaching session with the Employee to point out the behavior. Continuation of the behavior may result in discipline and/or termination, either standing alone or in conjunction with the other requirements found in this Article.

In all such instances, there must be a case-by-case determination with the outcome turning on the standard that the conclusion must be reasonable once all factors are considered.

Section 11.

The disciplinary tracks contained in this Article (No Call/No Show, Unexcused Absence, Tardy) are wholly separate unto themselves and may not be combined with any other Non-Time-and-Attendance discipline. Any occurrence of an Unexcused Absence or Tardy, if an Employee is on a “Final Warning” for Unexcused Absences or Tardies, shall result in termination.